Thursday, November 4, 2010

A mighty wind is blowin'

Vestas, the world's largest wind turbine company, announced last month it is "closing its factories in Scandanavia, with a loss of 3000 jobs." (wikipedia)

It is expanding in Portland, Oregon. This is office space, not production. 400-500 jobs. (Portland Business Journal)

"...currently expanding and opening up new production facilities in China, Spain and the United States." (wikipedia)

Would they be here at all without subsidies? Our wind turbines will blow in from China. Blades are made in Colorado (200 jobs), with 1400 more jobs set to be created at an assembly plant under construction, also in Colorado.

The number of green jobs in wind turbine manufacture is a piddling amount here in the US. We need to create at least 100,000 jobs monthly to keep up with new workers being added to the work force. Even with subsidies, alternative energy can only fill a tiny percentage of the number of jobs needed just to keep the unemployment rate static.